Historical Downtown

Catedral Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México 

Maximum work of the colonial architecture in the American continent, the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City is the largest in Latin America and one of the most emblematic temples of Christianity in the world.

Zócalo (Plaza de la Constitución)

The Zocalo or Plaza de la Constitución is located in the heart of the Historical Center, it was the center of Tenochtitlán before colonial times, and it remains a political and religious center.

The Zocalo is surrounded by the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City, the Palacio Nacional, Antiguo Palacio del Ayuntamiento and the Government Building. In the center, the huge flag enhances the national feeling.

It was named in honor of the Constitution of Cadiz promulgated in 1812.

Palacio Nacional 

Palacio Nacional is an emblematic building for Mexico. Its architecture and testimony of the historical evolution of Mexico, has been the scene of events that marked the course of the country and the cultural heritage of Mexicans. Currently National Palace is a must-see place for both nationals and foreigners.

Templo Mayor 

The Templo Mayor was the center of the universe for the ancient Mexica. This archaeological zone connects the past with the present of Mexico City.

Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso 

Considered one of the most important cultural spaces of national life, the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso is one of the most important colonial buildings of the historic center of Mexico City.

Frida Kahlo attended the National Preparatory School in this same building.

SEP Building

In 1921, José Vasconcelos, one of the main Mexican intellectuals, assumed functions as Secretary of Public Education under the Government of President Álvaro Obregón, who commissioned different artists to paint a series of murals on the walls of the Ministry of Public Education.